Look What We’re Learning
This week we practiced saying and writing the letters in our names while creating rockets, trains, and a self-portrait. We also made graphs to show how many letters are in our names and how we each go home from school. We worked on color and shape recognition when we played Hot Potato and Bingo, and when we went fishing. We continued to review our school rules, and everyone is getting better at remembering them and not needing reminders. We will begin on unit on shape recognition next week and our first shape will be circle. We will also start our Letter of the Week. Our first letter will be “Ss”. We will continue to practice writing our names and saying the letters to spell them.
Important Dates to Remember
Monday, September 3 – NO SCHOOL
Wednesday, September 5 – School pictures will be taken at 8:10 (you can send clothes for your child to change in to once our pictures are finished)
Tuesday, September 11 – School fundraiser packets are due
Friday, September 14 – NO SCHOOL
Friday, September 28 – $25 activity fee due
Friday, October 12 – Preschool field trip to Papa Charlie’s Pumpkin Patch in Chillicothe (see info below)
*Fees for next week will be $56 since we are only in session four days.
*Children should not be dropped off in the preschool room before 7:35 AM. If they ride a bus, other staff will supervise them in the event Delinda and I are running late.
Being Independent
We are working on doing things by ourselves. We are learning to put on our own shoes, zip/snap/button pants, shirts, and jackets, blow our noses, and to take care of our personal needs in the bathroom (Delinda and I cannot wipe bottoms). We are also learning how to be patient and wait our turn for assistance. They are beginning to realize there are 13 of them and only two adults, so it may take a few minutes for Delinda and I to get to them, especially when we are tying shoes.
Caught Being Good
We started our “Caught Being Good” charts this week. Each child has a chart on his/her locker that has 15 circles on it. We color in one circle each time a child is caught following the school rules without a reminder. For instance, when it is time to come to the carpet, if they remember to sit the correct way and to use a zero voice, Delinda or I will color in one circle. When all of the circles are colored in, the child earns a trip to my special treasure box. We do this in addition to the green bears so the kids can earn rewards several times daily while we reinforce the school rules, routines, and procedures. The treasure box for Caught Being Good is different than the Green Bear box, and the prizes are much smaller.
We Are Going On a Field Trip
Our first field trip will be to Papa Charlie’s Pumpkin Patch in Chillicothe on Friday, October 12! I will send a permission slip home closer to the date, but we wanted to give parents plenty of notice in case they wanted to come with us and needed to take off work. Parents can ride the bus on this field trip since we are the only ones going or they can drive their own vehicles. We don’t have enough room on the busses for parents to go when we go on field trips with the other elementary students. Students will not need any money since the cost of the trip is covered with the activity fee, but parents will have to pay $8 for admission.
Snack Schedule 9/3-7/2018
Please send enough snacks for 13 children. You may send anything that is pre-packaged or made in a store (fruit and vegie trays, cupcakes, cookies, etc.). You can also send drinks such as Capri Sun, juice boxes, small waters and Kool-Aid pouches, but drinks are not required.
Tuesday – Libby
Wednesday – Brett
Thursday – Kaylin
Friday – Graycie